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Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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RainMaker v2.0
A rainbow-making utility for AMOS
Dan Murrell Jr.
This program is SHAREWARE. If you find this program useful in any way,
please show me by registering your copy. Registering will cost $5, and
in return you will recieve a disk containing the complete version, with
no features disabled or crippled, as well as the source, and my sincere
thanks. Also, if I ever find time to revise this program again, you will
recieve a copy of it free.
What is this?
This program is inspired by the Example program 10.14 on the AMOS disk.
That is just a simple rainbow, true, but I was surprised at how easy and
smooth-looking such an effect could be (I had just gotten AMOS and hadn't
really explored rainbows yet.) I was amazed at how much color could be
put on one screen, without sacrificing color registers, speed, and without
the occasional shortcomings of HAM. Looking around for the program that
generated the rainbow, Rainbow Warrior, I eventually found it, but it was
so big I couldn't afford to download it. So, I decided to make my own.
The first version was a learning experience-- I learned how to program in
AMOS, as well as how NOT to program in AMOS. It was a mild success, but
from the moment I finished it, I began thinking of ways to improve it.
Now, after weeks of experimenting, testing, and downright procrastination,
I've finally forced myself to complete the new version. It is better,
easier to use, has a new feature, and is even 12k smaller than the first
one, weighing in at 27k. One of my main objectives in writing this thing
was to make it small enough to use as an 'Other' program. It can be a nice
utility to have, but it's not important enough to take up all of your
memory. But next time you need a nice smoothly gradated background for the
new game that you're working on, just click on 'Run Other' and...
What does it do?
RainMaker lets you build a rainbow using a simple set of tools, and allows
you to save it and include it with your own AMOS programs. The original
version saved rainbows as an ASCII procedure, but the new version allows
you to save as both an ASCII procedure and as an AMOS bank I used bank 12,
but you can easily modify the source to use another.
RainMaker has a few tools and features, which are listed as follows:
Up and Down cursor keys -- will move the rainbow to the top or bottom
Clicking the right mouse button -- will clear the screen of all displays
so that you can view the rainbow. To
return to the normal display, press it
Clicking the left mouse button -- selects specific functions. If not
clicked on a 'button', then you will be
allowed to change the color of the
specific line you clicked on. To alter
the color, click in the R, G, or B
slot that you wish to change. The
higher in that slot you click, the more
of that color you will use. Press the
right button to enter the change and
return to the normal mode.
Note: You may be asked to do this during other
functions of the program, when setting a color
is necessary
NEW -- the new button will clear the entire rainbow to black
UNDO -- will 'undo' the last operation performed
COPY -- will allow you to copy a portion of the rainbow to another area
GRAD -- will create a gradation between two lines. You will not be
asked to change any colors, only to point out the lines.
Note: This function may not always create the colors you might
expect, because the Amiga mixes colors using RGB, not
RYB. Therefore gradating from a blue to a yellow will
NOT yeild green. To make such a gradation, put a green
line between the blue and yellow, then gradate each of
those to the green line. One possible enhancement in
the future would be to allow RYB color mixing.
BOX -- will ask for a starting and ending line and then ask for a color.
Set the color to what you want, and all the selected lines will
become that color.
BAR -- is a new feature inspired by many eurodemos. This allows you to
make a nice 'copper bar' effect to scroll text in front of, or
whatever, giving it a metallic look. You are asked for the
center line, then it's color, and the bottom line, and it's
color. A gradation between the two will take place, then the
bottom half will be mirrored across the middle, giving the
'highlighted bar effect.'
LCHG -- is also a new feature, because unlike the original, RainMaker 2
can have rainbows larger than the screen size. This function
lets you adjust the size up to 4096.
This opens the doors for effects like blasting off into space
and having the atmosphere go from sky blue to black with no
programming effort, or having a sun setting in the background,
dragging a rosy sky along with it until it becomes purple, then
dark blue, then black.
LOAD -- allows you to load a rainbow bank. Will NOT work for an ASCII
saved rainbow, only for an .Abk rainbow file.
SAVE -- allows you to save the rainbow. It saves according to the
button below which will display either '.ASC' or '.ABK'. Provide
the information it needs, or press 'ok' to accept the default
name. To load a saved ASCII file into your own programs, use
the merge ASCII function of AMOS. Then call MAKE_RAINBOW to
display your rainbow. Be sure to have your background cleared
to 0 to be able to see all of it.
QUIT -- self-explanatory. It has a safety feature- you must press the
right mouse button if you're sure that you want to quit. If
not, just press the left button.
File Save Type -- this button is not functional in the demo, but in the
registered version, it is a toggle switch between
saving as an ASCII procedure or as an AMOS bank.
Other Features:
There are a couple of other features worth noting. One is a small box just
below the File Save Type button that tells you which line your pointer is
over. Across the screen from that is a zoom window which shows the current
line as well as the ones above and below it, so you can be sure to click on
the exact line you want. Another useful feature is that you can scroll the
rainbow to get at lines that are above or below the visible portion of the
screen. To do this, simply position your pointer on the dotted lines at
the top and bottom of the screen.
Well, that's it. It is very simple, but it can yield very good results.
Included are a few sample rainbows, which were created in only a few seconds,
to give you an idea of how it can be used. These are in bank form, and can
be loaded even by the demo users.
I am open to any suggestions for enhancing this program, as well as any
criticisms, complaints, or comments. I can be reached at:
Dan Murrell Jr.
116 L N. Montgomery
Starkville, MS 39759
or djm2@ra.msstate.edu
Thank you and I hope you find this program useful.